Thursday, September 15, 2011

Removing VMware Storage from XenDesktop 5.5


Have you added but need to remove storage from XD55? Well there are instructions but they are a little obtuse? Here is how I did it. I have underlined the key parts.


PS C:\> get-item -path XDHyp:\HostingUnits\*

PSPath                 : Citrix.Host.Admin.V1\Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\HostingUnits\VDIhost
PSParentPath           : Citrix.Host.Admin.V1\Citrix.Hypervisor::XDHyp:\HostingUnits
PSChildName            : VDIhost
PSDrive                : XDHyp
PSProvider             : Citrix.Host.Admin.V1\Citrix.Hypervisor
PSIsContainer          : True
HostingUnitUid         : e1bd6ca2-a30b-40b1-8200-518e262da208
HostingUnitName        : VDIhost
HypervisorConnection   : MelbVDI
RootPath               : XDHyp:\Connections\MelbVDI\M.datacenter\M C P.cluster\VDI.resourcepool
RootId                 : resgroup-6718
NetworkPath            : XDHyp:\Connections\MelbVDI\M.datacenter\M C P.cluster\VDI.resourcepool\VM
NetworkId              : Network:network-82
Storage                : {XDHyp:\Connections\MelbVDI\M.datacenter\M C p.cluster\VDI.resourcepool\, XDHyp:\Connections\MelbVDI\Melbourne.datacenter\M C P.cluster\VDI.resourcepool\, XDHyp:\Connections\MelbVDI\M.datacenter\M C P.cluster\VDI.resourcepool\}
VMTaggingEnabled       : True
UseLocalStorageCaching : False
Metadata               : {}

PS C:\> remove-hyphostingunitstorage -literalpath xdhyp:\hostingunits\vdihost -StoragePath XDHyp:\"Connections\MelbVDI\M.datacenter\M C P.cluster\VDI.resourcepool\"

HostingUnitUid         : e1bd6ca2-a30b-40b1-8200-518e262da208
HostingUnitName        : VDIhost
HypervisorConnection   : MelbVDI
RootPath               : /M.datacenter/M C P.cluster/VDI.resourcepool
RootId                 : resgroup-6718
NetworkPath            : /M.datacenter/M C P.cluster/VDI.resourcepool/VM Network.netwo
NetworkId              : Network:network-82
Storage                : {/M.datacenter/M C P.cluster/VDI.resourcepool/melsan01:melvmd
               , /M.datacenter/M C P.cluster/VDI.resourcepool/MEL
               , /M.datacenter/M C P.cluster/VDI.resourcep
VMTaggingEnabled       : True
UseLocalStorageCaching : False
Metadata               : {}

Quick refresh in Citrix Desktop Studio and you will see they are gone. 

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