Friday, September 23, 2011

Catalogues in XenDesktop v5.5 hide some details


So if you are trying to find what the original source VM for that catalogue in XenDesktop was, you can but it is ugly?


Star looking, you can find your pool name and then the machine names, and hey presto, the MasterImage is right there:

TaskId                             : 4864f7c5-5fb7-46fc-bc05-eb6712bd051c
Active                             : False
Host                               : SYDVDI01
DateStarted                        : 18/07/2011 1:25:25 PM
Type                               : NewVirtualMachine
Metadata                           : {Citrix_DesktopStudio_DesktopCatalogId = 5, Citrix_DesktopStudio_ImagesToCopyCount
                                      = 1, Citrix_DesktopStudio_StartTime = 634465917882529544, Citrix_DesktopStudio_Ta
                                     skGroupId = c0e304b0-d5a7-41f3-8112-52eca1616465...}
WorkflowStatus                     : Completed
MasterImage                        : XDHyp:\HostingUnits\Sydney VDI\vid-7-soe-xxx.vm\Citrix_XD_xxx.snapshot
ProvisioningSchemeName             : xxx hey VDI
ProvisioningSchemeUid              : ac4a2cc8-6b19-496c-8f0d-f0cfb7c58b36
TaskState                          : Finished
TaskStateInformation               :
HostingUnitUid                     : db5fad7c-d053-47a3-85d2-f0bd8bcb715b
HostingUnitName                    : Sydney VDI
IdentityPoolUid                    : 80859e24-15b2-49dd-97b6-59738b0eb7d3
IdentityPoolName                   : POOL NAME
VirtualMachinesToCreateCount       : 5
VirtualMachinesCreatedCount        : 5
VirtualMachinesCreationFailedCount : 0
CreatedVirtualMachines             : {VDIexx004, VDIexx001, VDIePassxx003, VDIexx002...}
FailedVirtualMachines              : {}
ProvisioningJob                    : 098e166a-2ed4-45a6-808f-a02d8415ab34
ProvisioningStatus                 : Completed

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