I am just going to say the next few posts are powershell scripts that I have just used in a desktop ADMT project. Some points to note:
Script 1: last user logged on to that computer which is running
- I know I can get a collection of all items and execute them at once, I like having exported lists and seeing them click through, it makes me feel like I am in the matrix
- I am more of a VB person, so my scripts read like VB
- I am sharing these, if I used your script as a part of mine, thanks for your help
- These were all put together to scratch my itch, I hope they can help you.
- These were all running in W7 (x86, then x64 for Office online) with the latest release of Powershell.
Script 1: last user logged on to that computer which is running
= Import-Csv C:\temp\computerlist.txt
/flushdns >null
"This Computer, Comp PW last set, User LastLogonDate, User profile name,
Userprofile LastWriteTime"
($computers in $computers){
+ ".name.gov.au"
$didit =
Test-Connection $ThisComputer -count 1 -quiet
if ($didit
-ne $false) {
-Path \\$ThisComputer\c$\users\
-Exclude public, servicedeskxp, wim, sccm_domain, administrator,
WIM, colvinda | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
Select-Object -First 1
-Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $profile.name } -Properties * -server
"wca.gov.au" -SearchScope Subtree
-server "wca.gov.au" -SearchScope Subtree -filter 'Name -like
$ThisComputer' -Properties *
if ($ADcomp
-ne $null) {write-host $ThisComputer"," $ADcompPSWD","
$ADcomp.LastLogonDate"," $profile.name","
if ($ADcomp
-eq $null) {write-host $ThisComputer", has done gone" }
if ($didit
-ne $true) {
-server "name.gov.au" -SearchScope Subtree -filter 'Name -like
$ThisComputer' -Properties *
$ThisComputer"," "Last Logon" $ADcomp.LastLogonDate, "Not
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