This was a pre-check for client computers about the be ADMT'ed to a new domain. The back story is a computer could be on a wired connection, a few WIFI networks which some had domain connectivity and some did not, and 4g/Home connection and direct access. At the point of migrate we bumped out the laptops that were going to fail, this was just a pre-check.
This was just a report so we could chase the user to correct the problem.
This script could be much easier in Windows 10 due to new functions (ip v6), but I did not have the option.
This was just a report so we could chase the user to correct the problem.
This script could be much easier in Windows 10 due to new functions (ip v6), but I did not have the option.
$computers = Import-Csv C:\temp\computerlist.txt
ipconfig /flushdns > null
foreach ($computers in $computers){
$NoMigComputer=$ThisComputer + ""
$testcon = " NOT reachable"
$didit = Test-Connection $NoMigComputer -count 1
if ($didit -ne $false)
{$testcon = "and is contactable"}
#write-host Attempt to look at $NoMigComputer
try {
$result = $null
$JustIP = $null
$result =
$JustIP = $result.ipaddresstostring
if ($result -eq $null)
{ write-host
$NoMigComputer " is not in DNS" }
#write-host $NoMigComputer" IP
is" $JustIP
-like '192.22.124.*' -or
-like '192.28.126.*' -or
-like '192.22.234.*'
$NoMigComputer $JustIP "wired" $testcon
$NoMigComputer $JustIP "is on WIFI" $testcon
} } }
catch {
$YesMigComputer=$ThisComputer +
try {
$Yesresult =
catch {
#$YesMigComputer + " not in IC domain
$JustIP = $result.ipaddresstostring
if ($JustIP -eq $null)
write-host $NoMigComputer "is
not in DNS *V4"
if ($NoMigComputer -eq $null)
Write-host $NoMigComputer "On 4G connection"
} } }
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