This is what the new PNA like experience looks like in the Start Menu of Windows 7. You can also get this on the desktop (but I have not shown this).
To get this you need to install the 4.2 receiver with the following command line. I cant stress enough how specific the CAPS, format and order this command line is.
Replace the section in yellow with your storefront server, ALSO note the /discover in the command line (see below where you can get this exact link from the Storefront server .CR file).
CitrixReceiver.exe /silent ADDLOCAL="ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,SSON,AM,SELFSERVICE,USB,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d" ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=Yes ALLOWADDSTORE=S ALLOWSAVEPWD=S STARTMENUDIR=\CitrixXenApps\ /INCLUDESSON /STORE0="Store1;https://storefront.COLV.IN/Citrix/Store1/discovery;On;Store1"
REBOOT, you need this as the SSOSVR.EXE needs to be running as seen below.
Additionally you need all the following:
- TO BE USING HTTPS and a valid Cert.
- You need the XML trust in both XenDesktop OR older XenApp
- Your StoreFront server needs to be in ‘Local Intranet’ or ‘Trusted Sites’ in IE
- Enable “Automatic Logon with current user name and password” is enabled in local Intranet if that is what you are in (see above).
- Enable “Automatic Logon with current user name and password” is enabled in Trusted Sites if that is what you are in (see above).
Once it works, IE should auto logon as shown below.
If you don't know the URL above in yellow download the .CR file and it is highlighted below
This is the connection receiver once installed.
To get the Start Menu to populate this is the command line. It should do it automatically on reboot.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe" –showAppPicker
Once working correctly the Citrix Receiver in the notification area should logon automatically.
This is an update from the older article
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