Monday, April 23, 2012

Mincom, Ellipse, WinView CICS on W2K8 R2

XenApp 6.5, Windows 2008 R2

If you are trying to get the Mincom desktop running on Citrix/Terminal Server on W2K8 R2. And the customer has not upgrade since Mosses brought down the 3 tables there are some upgrades needed:

First, this error is due to a X64 incompatibility, to fix this you need Mincom desktop v6.3.3.5 or higher. Download and install this error goes away.


Once this is fixed the CICS Gateway 6.02 throws this error.


Get the updated software, then remove 6.02 and install 8.1

The location for the configuration INI has moved to a new location (programdata\ibm\cics transaction gateway)


Update the INI file via the configuration tool to add TCP (not sure if this is 100%required)


Lastly change from CICS gateway manual to automatic and start the CICS transaction gateway.


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