Thursday, August 25, 2011

XenDesktop Delivery Controller and vSphere 4.1 (certs issue)


XenDesktop Delivery Controller and vSphere 4.1

vCenter HTTPS Access

  1. On the vCenter server browse to Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastrutuce\VIUpdate 4.0\SSL  (W2K8r2) and copy the rui.crt to your XenDesktop DDC(s) (and provisioning server if used)
  2. Open an MMC and the Certificates snap-in to manage Certificates for the Computer Account on the XenDesktop DDC/PS(s)
  3. Expand Certificates > Trusted Root Certificates > Certificates and import the trusted root certificate for the SSL certificate copied from the vCenter server in step 1. 
    1. Also import the certificate to the Trusted People Store.
  4. Create a host file entry or DNS entry for vmware pointing to your vCenter server
  5. In the Hosting Infrastructure section when creating a desktop group on the XenDesktop DDC (or PS) when the running the XenDesktop Setup Wizard, select VMware Virtualization for the Hosting Infrastructure and enter https://youvmwareserver/sdk for the Virtual Center address.



Updated and based on this:

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