Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Move SCVMM DB Server


If you have moved SCVMM 2012 r2 (or earlier) the only official way to change is to uninstall and reinstall. However in my case I have moved from a SQL instance on a standard server to a AllwaysOn instance on the same host.

Instead of uninstalling SCVMM 2012 just modify a database string – then restart the SCVMM service if you did not stop before..

You should stop the SCVMM Service and Agent Services.

Open RegEdit on the SCVMM 2012 server and navigate too: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Server\Settings\Sql

Under the SQL key, change all references to the old SQL Server, this includes the following sub-keys;


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