Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Change your W2K8 R2 server from Standard to Enterprise


Go to a Command prompt
Dism /online /get-currentedition
Dism /online /get-targeteditions
Dism /online /Set-Edition:ServerEnterprise /ProductKey:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If the process fails you will most likely receive an error such as "The specified product key is not valid for the target edition. “ Verify the information is typed correctly. Use this Windows temporary key to get around this error “489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y”.

Several reboots are required for the upgrade process.

Enter your actual W2K8 R2 key and reboot again to make sure it took and all is well. You server should now be at the Enterprise level.

PS: I have not done this myself so your mileage may vary, I have just reposted this from Percy MvNab’s Blog as I did not know it was possible… Cheer Percy !

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