Thursday, March 22, 2012

Created the wrong DHCP option type?


Never fear the NETSC command will help you…

So you created the scope and choose WORD. nice.


But you wanted STRING.. doh.


And of course it cant be changed. But go to a CMD prompt and away we go.

Open a CMD window…

Run netsh

dhcp server

Command completed successfully.

delete optiondef 60

Command completed successfully.

Reload the server manager to re-read this information and you can start again.

Monday, March 19, 2012

App-V RDS not running locally W2K3


If you are testing App-V then you are likely to use the local installed package (ie an sequences application that has been created as an MSI that you install and run without a streaming server or remote share or SCCM server).

This works fine on (in my case, all terminal servers nah RDS servers) W2K8 x86 and W2K8r2 but on W2K3 x86 I would get the same error over an over. “A network connection was not detected”.


I tried the RDS client 4.5, 4.6, 4.6 sp1 and hotfix 1/3/4. All the same. Then I removed it, rebooted and reinstalled the 4.6 client using this command line to install it:

“Stand-Alone Client for use With Streaming”


As you see above in bold the allow independent streaming was set but it did not work, it should have be set to ‘1’. But it gave the error that "you do not have sufficient permissions to stream from a file" Shown below.

app-v file

To fix this go to the registry and set the following:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\Configuration and change the value "AllowIndependentFileStreaming" value to 1.

And then it works fine.



Monday, March 12, 2012

Windows x86 and x64 App-V Packages


So you want to re-use the packages already built on a 32bit OS?? In some cases the packages will work, but once they get a little more complicated and have more requirements (for example the Oracle client just caused me issue, etc etc). They may no longer work.

My Problem: App-V variables for file path

The App-V Sequencer and client use Windows “well-known”  paths such as
%ProgramFiles% for a 32bit computer as “C:\Program Files” but on a x64 computer this is “C:\Program Files” and there is also %ProgramFiles(x86)% which is “C:\Program Files (x86)”.

With the client doing the substitution when the software installs then it can go to the wrong location and break internal links and references…

And before you ask, no you cannot change these settings. So you may need to update your source program BEFORE you sequence it.

Additional to this is the registry can cause issues, that has not affected me yet, but read the following article for more information. Oh and good luck…

Note: App-V 4.6 supports x86 and x64 bit applications on x86 and x64 operating systems.

Note2: Supported platform matrix:


Really good details are here:

Story about App-V 64 bit support:

Friday, March 02, 2012

Error 1603 while installing XenApp 6.5 on W2K8 R2


This error showed up as many problems, drilling into the log it showed as the SRM.MSI and then another and another after recopying these faulty MSI packages...  By the way 1603 is a general MSI failure, not Citrix specific.


I looked into the log and tried to run it directly with the same error.

I was not using the ISO image as it was a VM on someone else VMware and so I could not mount it, I had infact extracted it via a linux computer. This caused issues with SOME not all of the MSI’s or support files.

The way I fix it was to mount the CD/DVD as a image on a VM, copy the files out, and recopy these over the media I was trying to use. That fixed it.


Lazy ANZ Bank Phishing Spam


Wow, they are getting lazy now.

Spam got me

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