Thursday, September 10, 2009

PIDGIN/Ubuntu - MSN/AOL and Microsoft OCS all in one

Well, while not as easy as it could be:

Install pidgin Internet messaging from "add remove applications"

Then get the pre-reqs for OCS:

sudo apt-get install autotools-dev libtool intltool comerr-dev libpurple-bin libpurple-dev pidgin-dev

Download pidgin plugin for OCS (if you have the older version there is no option for "Office Communicator is says LCS/OCS")

unarchive it, then:

./configure –prefix=/usr/
sudo make install

Then to make it work, add a new account:
protocol: Office Communicator
username: email address
login: just the login name
password: secret password
Local alias: optional
ADVANCED: optional
(Connection type: auto, User agent is Purple/1.6.3)

1 comment:

pier11 said...

We have a repository for Ubuntu. See "To install from the unofficial repository for Ubuntu Jaunty" here:

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