Thursday, August 28, 2014

EdgeSight CRL Checking–Speed up EdgeSight


The EdgeSight console uses IIS and .NET which in turn uses built-in Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking when generating Publisher Evidence for Code Access Security (CAS). When validating the certificate the server walks the chain of Certificates and tries to download the Certificate Revocation List from the internet.

If the computer cannot connect to the internet (timeout, delay, proxy auth, not allowed to etc) this delays the console.

To remove CRL checking add the following to your ASPNET.CONFIG or APP.CONFIG file:

<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

ASPNET.CONFIG file is in the following folder.


This is what yours should look like:


Open the server management to restart IIS services or restart the server.


Thanks to for the tip.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

VDI verses RDS/Terminal Server


This is a read and a nice definitive conclusion, I will leave you to read the artical, but here is the punchline:

“As for the myth that VDI scales almost as well as RDS, well I think we can officially call that myth busted!!!  Anyone who says RDS only scales 20% better than VDI is dead wrong!!! RDS is still king and in most real world environments will give you 100 – 200% greater user density than VDI!”

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Manually Install/Remove Individual Citrix Receiver Components

To extract the .msi files, run the following at command prompt:
For Receiver 4.x: CitrixReceiver.exe (For 3.x use: CitrixReceiverEnterprise.exe /extract [Destination_name]).
The directory must exist already and /extract adds a subfolder called extract to that directory.

You can install the .msi files, just double-click each file (in elevated mode). The .msi files are supported per-machine and require administrator privileges to deploy them.

Installing the Components:

When installing the Receiver components, install in the following order:

  1. RIInstaller.msi
  2. CitrixReceiverUpdater-user.msi
  3. ICAWebWrapper.msi
  4. GenericUSB.msi
  5. DesktopViewer.msi
  6. CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
  7. Vd3dClient.msi
  8. AuthManager.msi
  9. SSONWrapper.msi
  10. SelfServicePlugin.msi
Removing the components:

When removing the components, remove them in the following order:

  1. SelfServicePlugin.msi
  2. SSONWrapper.msi
  3. AuthManager.msi
  4. Vd3dClient.msi
  5. CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
  6. DesktopViewer.msi
  7. GenericUSB.msi
  8. ICAWebWrapper.msi
  9. CitrixReceiverUpdater-user.msi
  10. RIInstaller.msi

Each .msi file has an Programs and Features entry.

MSI Name Name in A/R Programs Details or notes
RIInstaller.msi Citrix Receiver Inside Citrix Receiver was split apart into "Receiver Updater" and a "Receiver Inside". The Receiver Inside component was then bundled into the Online plug-in installer to form a new Receiver package.

Online Plug-in

Wrapper for Receiver inside

Citrix Receiver (PNA)

Recently Citrix has renamed Receiver Enterprise to Receiver (Legacy PNA)

Citrix Receiver (SSON)

Single sign-on/pass-through authentication

Citrix Receiver (HDX Flash Redirection)

HDX Flash redirection

Citrix Receiver (DV)

Desktop Viewer (XenDesktop)

Citrix Receiver (USB)

USB redirection

Citrix Receiver (Aero)

Windows 7/2008 Aero Support
AuthManager.msi Citrix Authentication Manager Domain Pass-through

Citrix Receiver Updater

Update services

Citrix Single Sign-On Plug-in

Allows users to add and remove StoreFront stores

The CitrixReceiver is downloaded as a modular MSI packages interact with the main EXE wrapper and Citrix Receiver. The self-extracting EXE can be launched from the Autorun, Browser, Network share, Script, Explorer, or a Command line.

The EXE wrappers are responsible for:

  1. Performing installation, upgrade and un-installation of the MSI Packages.
  2. Passing the MSI command lines necessary to install each of the MSI Packages.
  3. Generation of installation Logs.
  4. Detecting the appropriate language from the user's system locale.
  5. Rollback of installation files in the event of a failed installation of one or more of the MSI packages.

In General, most user specified MSI Properties passed in at the command line to the EXE are passed to the MSI Sub packages, however, note that it is passed to all of them. The MSI package the MSI property is targeted for will read the Property, while the other packages just ignore the Property.

It is also possible to apply MST’s to an MSI sub package, however, note that the MST will be passed to all of the packages. The MSI package the MST is targeted for will read the Transform, while the other packages just ignore the Transform.

Example: Add TRANSFORMS=C:\mytransform.mst to the command-line and the transform should be applied to all MSIs in the self-extractor. If you need to use transforms just for one, then you’ll have to extract them.


Original source for this is here:

Additional information from:

Monday, August 04, 2014

Citrix XenApp 6.5 SDK and powershell tools


Get and install the SDK   

Or use the migration module if it has what you need

Run the right powershell, the one with the SDK not shown.

get-help *citrix*







Here is a script I used to dump out files for each area:

Script Name     : XAInventory.ps1
Dependencies    : Powershell
Description     : Retrieves inventory from server
Purpose            : Inventory
OS Versions     : 2008R2
Date            : June 2014
Release            : v1.0
Usage : XAInvetory.ps1

Write-Host "01. Get-XAFarm"

write-host "02. Get-XAFolder"

Write-Host "03. Get-XAZone"

#write-host "qfarm /load"
#qfarm /load

Write-Host "04. Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | Get-XAServerLoad | format-table -wrap"
#Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | Get-XAServerLoad | format-table -wrap
Get-XAServerLoad | sort 

Write-Host "05. Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, LogOnMode"
Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, LogOnMode

write-host "06. Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, OSVersion,CitrixVersion, CitrixServicePack"
Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, OSVersion,CitrixVersion, CitrixServicePack

Write-Host "07. Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, zonename, ElectionPreference"
Get-XAServer * | Select-Object ServerName, zonename, ElectionPreference | sort ElectionPreference

write-host "08. Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | select ServerName, IPAddresses | Sort-Object IPAddresses"
Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | select ServerName, IPAddresses | Sort-Object IPAddresses

write-host "09. Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | select ServerName, IPAddresses | Sort-Object servername"
Get-XAZone | Get-XAServer | select ServerName, IPAddresses | Sort-Object servername

write-host "10. Get-XAServer | select ServerName | Get-XAPrinterDriver | Format-Table -Wrap"
#Get-XAServer | select ServerName | Get-XAPrinterDriver | Format-Table -Wrap
Get-XAServer | select ServerName | Get-XAPrinterDriver

write-host "11. Get-XASession | select ServerName, BrowserName, AccountName | sort servername | Format-Table -auto"
Get-XASession | select ServerName, BrowserName, AccountName | sort servername

write-host "12. Get-XASession | select clientname, AccountName, BrowserName | Sort-Object Accountname"
Get-XASession | select clientname, AccountName, BrowserName | Sort-Object Accountname

write-host "13. Get-XASession | select ServerName, BrowserName, AccountName, clientname | Sort-Object clientname"
Get-XASession | select ServerName, BrowserName, AccountName, clientname | Sort-Object Servername

write-host "14. Get-XAWorkerGroup | select WorkerGroupName, OUs"
Get-XAWorkerGroup | select WorkerGroupName, OUs

#write-host "Get-XAAdministrator"

write-host "15. Get-XAAdministratorPrivilege *"
Get-XAAdministratorPrivilege *

write-host "16. Get-XAAdministrator | select AdministratorName, FarmPrivileges"
Get-XAAdministrator | select AdministratorName, FarmPrivileges

write-host "17. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select WorkerGroupNames, DisplayName | Sort-Object workergroupname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select WorkerGroupNames, DisplayName | Sort-Object workergroupname | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select WorkerGroupNames, DisplayName | Sort-Object workergroupname

write-host "18. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Accounts | Sort-Object workergroupname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Accounts | Sort-Object workergroupname | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Accounts | Sort-Object workergroupname

write-host "19. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,CommandLineExecutable | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,CommandLineExecutable | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,CommandLineExecutable | Sort-Object displayname

write-host "20. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,WindowType, ColorDepth | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,WindowType, ColorDepth | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,WindowType, ColorDepth | Sort-Object displayname

write-host "21. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,EncryptionLevel, EncryptionRequired, SslConnectionEnabled | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,EncryptionLevel, EncryptionRequired, SslConnectionEnabled | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName,EncryptionLevel, EncryptionRequired, SslConnectionEnabled | Sort-Object displayname

write-host "22. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, PreLaunch | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, PreLaunch | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, PreLaunch

write-host "23. Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Enabled, AnonymousConnectionsAllowed | Sort-Object displayname | ft -autosize -wrap"
#Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Enabled, AnonymousConnectionsAllowed | Sort-Object displayname | Sort-Object ENABLED | ft -autosize -wrap
Get-XAApplicationReport * | select DisplayName, Enabled, AnonymousConnectionsAllowed | Sort-Object displayname | Sort-Object ENABLED

Write-Host "24. GET-XALoadEvaluator | select MachineName, LoadEvaluatorName"
GET-XALoadEvaluator | select MachineName, LoadEvaluatorName, IsBuiltIn

Write-Host "25. GET-XALoadEvaluator | select MachineName, LoadEvaluatorName  | Format-Table -wrap"
#GET-XALoadEvaluator | select LoadEvaluatorName, ApplicationUserLoadEnabled, ContextSwitchesEnabled, CpuUtilizationEnabled | Format-Table -wrap
GET-XALoadEvaluator | select LoadEvaluatorName, ApplicationUserLoadEnabled, ContextSwitchesEnabled, CpuUtilizationEnabled

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