If you are longing for the 2000’s, you want back the PNA (Program Neighbourhood Agent) back but the man is making you move to receiver, never fear, with some time, configuration and tweeks you can be right back in the comfort zone.
This is the standard Citrix Receiver without sign sing on when it opens the StoreFront store.
First you need to install the agent with the single sign on support (/includeSSON and ,SSON,) in the command line below.
Just as a note when installing this and removing this the ,USB item had to be last to stop errors occurring in installing and the installation failing.
Command line to install Receiver 4.1:
CitrixReceiver.exe /includeSSON ADDLOCAL="ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,SSON,AM,SELFSERVICE,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d,usb" /Store0="sp;https://storefront.colvi.in/Citrix/desktops/discovery"
YOU NEED TO REBOOT, you need the SSOSVR.EXE to be running as seen below.
You need to make the changes to the GPO for the client (the desktop computer) to allow internet explorer to pass the logon credentials.
You need to install and configure Authentication with Domain Pass-through on the StoreFront Server.
YOU NEED TO BE USING HTTPS and a valid Cert.
You can see I have the receiver web site disabled, you can use it, but it is not needed for this configuration (in fact it does not support pass-through and this confuses people).
You need to configure the XML Policy on the Delivery Controller, this is the GPO, but it can also be via PowerShell.
You need your StoreFront server to be in ‘Local Intranet’ or ‘Trusted Sites’.
If your IE policy is locked down, delete these Registry Settings and then you can check (until next reboot).
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
Check that “Automatic Logon with current user name and password” is enabled in local Intranet if that is what you are in (see above).
Check that “Automatic Logon with current user name and password” is enabled in Trusted Sites if that is what you are in (see above).
At this point if you start the receiver you will see the client automatically logs on and gets the desktop(s) as shown below.
If you want to automate further (you needed the self service plug installed, it is if you used my command line above), then you can it force do a logon, a refresh and then see the newly created .EXE dummy files that you can use to create shortcuts in the Start Menu (or Metro interface), yes Windows 8.1 using these commands in the back ground.
Here are the commands to force this:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe" -logon
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe" -poll
dir C:\Users\ColvinDave\AppData\Roaming\Citrix\SelfService
If you want to you can make shortcuts to the EXE files, anywhere in the start menu, you cant copy just the .EXE files or you will get the error below.
Good luck and tell them Dave Sent You.